Event Title : Evolution of regulatory network in bacteria across time-scales

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Session Theme : Mutation to Evolution across scales, Session Chair : Dimple Notani
Speaker Name: 
Aswin Seshasayee
Start Time: 
Wednesday, January 6, 2021 - 18:40
End Time: 
Wednesday, January 6, 2021 - 19:05
Talks Abstract: 

Bacterial regulatory networks are known to evolve rapidly due to lateral gene transfer and duplication events. However, the contribution of point mutations to this process is poorly understood. Using large-scale publicly available data, we addressed this question using E. coli as a model, eventually suggesting that large-effect point mutations in TFs may drive the early stages of adaptation but that transcriptiion factors are subjected to stronger purifying selection post-adaptation which might be driven by horizontal gene transfer.

Keywords: transcription factors, gene regulation, evolution, mutation

Event Day: 
Day 1 (06th Jan 2021)