Event Title : Muscle Development, Function and Repair

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Session Theme : Miscellany at the molecular scale, Session Chair : Satyajit Mayor
Speaker Name: 
K VijayRaghavan
Start Time: 
Friday, January 8, 2021 - 19:30
End Time: 
Friday, January 8, 2021 - 19:55
Talks Abstract: 

Muscle Syncytia play a significant role in the survival of many species and human quality of life. In our lab we use the power Drosophila genetics to understand molecular and cellular processes regulating their development and maintenance. This work has made significant headway over the past few decades. After initially outlining the cells, their subset stem cells that give rise to indirect flight muscles in Drosophila, in recent years we have demonstrated the existence of a pollution cells analogous to mammalian adult muscle stem cells. Our findings have been echoed by other research groups, from the demonstration of this same cell population and its behaviour to the molecular identfiier being conserved in mice. As we strive to uncover repair mechanisms, we develop and perfect methods to accurately document these mechanisms. We continue to ask fundamental questions about internal homeostatic mechanisms, such internal syncytial coordination of transcription and translation. Initial observations suggest and unexpected heterogeneity of mRNA distribution in these muscles, hinting at possible transcriptional, translational and metabolic heterogeneity and their coordination within these muscle syncytia. Taken together, our studies remain at as intriguing a juncture of discovery as ever.

Event Day: 
Day 3 (08th Jan 2021)