Event Title : Chemical Ecology and the Anthropocene

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Session Theme : Bats and Beetles, Bees and Trees, Session Chair : Jayashree Ratnam
Speaker Name: 
Shannon Olsson
Start Time: 
Thursday, January 7, 2021 - 20:20
End Time: 
Thursday, January 7, 2021 - 20:45
Talks Abstract: 

Humans are currently altering this planet more than any single species in the history of Earth.  In fact, this phenomenon has lead to the dawn of a new geological age, known as the Anthropocene.  Humans not only impact the environment itself, but the ecological interactions between organisms, including chemical communication. All living organisms, including plants, utilize chemicals to interact with each other and their environment.  Chemical ecology is a field that examines these interactions. The ubiquitous nature of chemical ecology across all life on Earth offers a unique opportunity to understand the impact humans are having on our natural world. The field also allows us to potentially develop ways we can adapt to the impacts of humans on the very means by which organisms interact with each other. Here we will present our group's research on chemical communication between plants and animals in the Indian context, particularly concerning pollination, pest management, and environmental pollution.


Keywords: climate change, pollution, anthropogenic

Event Day: 
Day 2 (07th Jan 2021)