Event Title : Edifices of mud: how termites collectively build and communicate.

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Session Theme : Kaleidoscope - blending neural hues and behavioral patterns, Session Chair : Vatsala Thirumalai
Speaker Name: 
Sanjay Sane
Start Time: 
Friday, January 8, 2021 - 18:00
End Time: 
Friday, January 8, 2021 - 18:25
Talks Abstract: 

Termite mounds are among the more spectacular sights that we see in our backyard. Each mound is like a city which houses many chambers interconnected by passageways and alleys. These chambers house their colony and brood, and must be secured from the elements, external attacks, as well as infections. In many cases, termites farm a fungus that helps break down the wood, within the mound. Its inhabitants, the termites, are largely lacking in eyes and live in very low light conditions. Yet they must communicate with each other if they are to collectively build these structures, or repair them. Building behavior is composed of two opposing sub-behaviors. The first involves excavation of soil, and the second involves deposition. How do these blind termites know where to deposit and where to excavate? In recent years, we have been studying how termites coordinate such collective building activity. Through a series of field-based and lab-based assays, we have developed an understanding of the cues that are used by termites to build these extraordinary structures, which I will describe in my talk.

Event Day: 
Day 3 (08th Jan 2021)