Event Title : COVID-19: From models to policy

Session Theme : Covid19: genomic surveillance and beyond, Session Chair : Anjana Badrinarayanan
Speaker Name: 
Gautam Menon
Start Time: 
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 - 18:00
End Time: 
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 - 18:20
Talks Abstract: 

I'll discuss the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic in India, concentrating on what we know and what we don't. I'll then go on to discuss how studying models can help us address a number of questions of current relevance: How should we structure testing, how can we think of reopening schools, what happens if a new variant appears, what is the best way to pace a vaccination program and so on. I'll describe two major models I have been involved in developing: INDSCI-SIM and BharatSim, and will discuss how they are applied to the Indian pandemic.

Event Day: 
Day 3 (12th Jan 2022)