April 2017

  1. Creche movie hour - "Planet earth" was on 3 rd April 2017.
  2. Dental camp on 07th April 2017 for kids above 3 years in LH-1.
  3. Kids had their story session with author Rob, live from UK.
  4. Field trip to Enchanting acres was filled with fun,kids especially loved feeding animals.
  5. Dolna working hours on 29th May 2017 is from 09:00 am to 01:30 pm.
  6. May's training for creche staff is on "Effective communication skills required with children" by Ms.Cassandra, clinical psychologist.
  7. Aqua guard cylinders have been changed and servicing done.
  8. Among all the summer camp activities, older kids enjoyed Pencil magic and Fire snack.
  9. As part of summer gardening activity kids did tomato saplings for this month.
  10. Free style dance classes have been rescheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11:30 am to 12:30 pm only for April n May 2017.