May 2015

  • Kids visited the following places during their vacations as part of field trips: Indoor play areas like Kids reboot, Caterpillar trail, Kydz adda, Equilibrium climbing station. They went on a trek to Vulture sanctuary n Savandurga and even got a chance to visit Manchinbele damn, Aerospace museum.
  • Activities like target shooting, archery, slack line, zipline and Jummering were included in Adventure sports which was conducted on campus by professionals.
  • The herbs grown by kids during their gardening activity in April 2015 was used in the preparation of snacks provided to them at evenings in this month.
  • Apart from fun,the toddlers n older  kids also learnt few curricular aspects :- 1.simple n interesting experiments: [a]Balloon inflation magic  [b]Volcano experiment  [c]How does gravity affect root growth  2.worksheets of Animals  3.Maths worksheet  4.Number writing  5.Touch feel n express  6.Brief talk on continents.
  • Older kids had fun in cooking classes and were a part of, in preparing  snacks like falooda, dabeli, vadapav, kheer, vada, kachori, momos which were given to kids during their evening snacks break.
  • In short, Dolna kids were exposed to fun, indoor play area, outdoor exposion, art n craft, snacks preparation, curricular aspects etc during their summer vacations of 2015. We can conclude that their vacation was meaningfully spent.