

author  : Wilson, M. and Bower, J. M.
title   : Cortical oscillations and temporal interactions in a computer
          simulation of piriform cortex
journal : J. Neurophysiol.
year    : 1992
volume  : 67
pages   : 981-995


author    : Wilson, M. and Bower, J. M.
title     : The Simulation of Large-Scale Neural Networks
booktitle : Methods in Neuronal Modeling
editor    : C. Koch and I. Segev
publisher : MIT Press
address   : Cambridge, MA
chapter   :  9
pages     : 171-194
year      : 1989


author     :  De Schutter, E. and Bower, J.M.
title      :  Integration of synaptic inputs
	      in a  model of the cerebellar Purkinje cell
editor     :  Frank H. Eeckman and James M. Bower
booktitle  :  Computation and Neural Systems
publisher  :  Kluwer Academic Publishers
pages      :  355-362
address    :  Boston
year       :  1993


author     :  De Schutter, E. and Bower, J. M.
title      :  An active membrane model of the cerebellar Purkinje cell I.
	      Simulation of current clamps in slice
journal    :  J. Neurophysiol.
year       :  1994
volume     :  71
pages      :  375-400


author   :  De Schutter, E. and Bower, J. M.
title    :  An active membrane model of the cerebellar Purkinje cell II.
	    Simulation of synaptic responses
journal  :  J. Neurophysiol.
year     :  1994
volume   :  71
pages    :  401-419


author   :  Roger D. Traub and Robert K. S. Wong and Richard Miles
	    and Hillary Michelson
title    :  A Model of a CA3 Hippocampal Neuron Incorporating
            Voltage-Clamp Data on Intrinsic Conductances
journal  :  J. Neurophysiol.
year     : 1991
volume   :  66
pages    :  635-650


author     :  Sharon Crook and Avis Cohen
title      :  Central Pattern Generators
booktitle  :  The Book of GENESIS
editor     :  James M. Bower and David Beeman
publisher  :  TELOS/Springer-Verlag
address    :  New York
chapter    :  8
year       :  1994