The GENESIS Neural Database and Modeler's Workspace

Project Vision: Develop an easy-to-use tool for computational neuroscientists that facilitates the following tasks: creating, editing and visualizing models and other objects; interacting with neuronal databases; interacting with simulation systems such as GENESIS; and collaborating with other modelers using simultaneous shared editing and visualization.

Workspace Logo

Description of the project

Recent Developments - The Modelers Workspace Channel Database

Design Documents

Posters and Presentations

History and Evolution of the Modeler's Workspace



Principal Investigator

James M. Bower, Research Imaging Center, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio and Cajal Neuroscience Research Center, University of Texas, San Antonio

Other participants

David Beeman, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder

Michael Hucka, Department of Biology, Caltech

Kavita Shankar, Department of Biology, Caltech

Sara Emardson, Department of Biology, Caltech

Jenny Forss, Department of Biology, Caltech

Participants during the first year

Jason Leigh and Thomas A. DeFanti, Electronic Visualization Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago

Some other relevant links


Human Brain Project Home Page

Dave Beeman
Last updated Wed Jul 10 17:34:09 MDT 2002