
New publication alert!
Trunks and treetops: integrating terrestrial and arboreal camera-trap surveys to document elusive mammal communities in India

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Himalayan birds that show the greatest elevational shifts remain within the narrowest thermal regimes.

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Whose values count? A review of the nature valuation studies with a focus on justice

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Diverse values of nature for sustainability.

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Wake-like skin patterning and neural activity during octopus sleep.

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Topcats and underdogs: intraguild interactions among three apex carnivores across Asia's forestscapes

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A record of the Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler Helopsaltes certhiola in Bengaluru, Karnataka

Dr Nibedita Mukherjee, an alumnus of our program (2006 batch) has won the Ecological Engagement Award from The British Ecological Society.

Nandini Velho, an alumnus of our program (2008 Batch) has received the ORA India Fellowship 2023, for building an inclusive space for storytelling on conservation in India

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Where the Mind is Without Fear: Stories of Coexistence in Shared Landscapes

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Tolerance to aerial exposure influences distributional patterns in multi-species intertidal seagrass meadows

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Carbonate budgets in Lakshadweep Archipelago bear the signature of local impacts and global climate disturbances

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Range-restricted old and young lineages show the southern Western Ghats to be both a museum and a cradle of diversity for woody plants

Our 2006 batch alumnus Dr Samira Agnihotri has been featured on the DH Changemakers 23 to Watch in 2023 for her work in Eco-ornithology.

Our alumnus, Dr Nachiket Kelkar bagged the NDTV True Legend - Future of Young India Award in the "Environment" category.

Join us in congratulating Dr Divya Vasudev (Batch 2006), winner of the Maxwell/Hanrahan Awards in Field Biology.

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Wild animals enhance climate solutions across social-ecological systems by Dr Varun R Goswasmi (Batch 2006).

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Rerouting railway would conserve India’s gibbon by Rohit Jha (Batch 2014).



Aathira Perinachery, on receiving the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards, 2021.
New publication alert!
Linking flow alteration with fish assemblage structure in a river regulated by a small hydropower project in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India
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Dog in the matrix: Envisioning countrywide connectivity conservation for an endangered carnivore



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Factors affecting the spatial distribution and co-occurrence of two sympatric mountain ungulates in southern Mongolia
Check this out!
Listen to the entire season podcast of The Thing About Wildlife hosted by our alumni - Ishika Ramakrishnana and Akshay Surendra!
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Palm oil cultivation can be expanded while sparing biodiversity, says study | See journal article here

Anushka Rege: Recipient of Novjyot Sodhi Conservation Research Award, 2021.