The Seventh Bangalore Benny Shilo Course in Developmental Biology
Venue: All lectures and Journal Clubs at Malgova, Southern Lab Complex
Monday 12/01/15 |
8:30-9:00 |
Registration |
9:00-11:00 |
Benny Shilo |
Life’s blueprint: The science and art of embryo creation (general introduction) |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Benny Shilo |
DV patterning in Drosophila oogenesis |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-4:00 |
Amos Arieli |
Frontiers in Brain Research: A journey into Sensory Perception |
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-6:00 |
Journal Club Preparation |
6:00-7:30 |
Benny Shilo Amos Arieli |
Q&A: Similarities and differences between development and brain function |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Tuesday 13/01/15 |
9:00-11:00 |
Benny Shilo |
DV patterning in the embryo: Spz/Toll signaling |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Amos Arieli |
Active sensing: The interface between sensory perception and decision making |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-4:00 |
Benny Shilo |
DV patterning in the embryo: Dpp signaling |
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-5:30 |
Journal Club Preparation |
5:30-7:30 |
Benny Shilo |
Journal Club I:
A ventrally localized protease in the Drosophila egg controls embryo dorsoventral polarity.
Cho YS, Stevens LM, Sieverman KJ, Nguyen J, Stein D. Curr Biol.2012 Jun 5;22(11):1013-8. |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Wednesday 14/01/15 |
09:00-11:00 |
Eyal Schejter |
The cytoskeleton and establishment of asymmetry during Drosophila oogenesis |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-01:00 |
Ze’ev Paroush |
Generating the anteroposterior axis of the Drosophila embryo |
01:00-02:00 |
Lunch |
02:00-04:00 |
Eyal Schejter |
Involvement of actin-based structures in the formation and maturation of Drosophila flight- muscle myofibers |
04:00-04:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
04:15-6:00 |
Journal Club Preparation |
06:00-07:30 |
Eyal Schejter Ze’ev Paroush |
Q&A |
07:30-08:30 |
Dinner |
Thursday 15/01/15 |
9:00-11:00 |
Ze’ev Paroush |
Interpreting a morphogen gradient into positional information and cell specification |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Eyal Schejter |
Content release from secretory vesicles is mediated by a dynamic acto-myosin network |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-4:00 |
Ze’ev Paroush |
Negative transcriptional regulation is prominent in development |
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-5:30 |
Journal Club Preparation |
5:30-7:30 |
Eyal Schejter Ze’ev Paroush |
Journal Club II:
Antagonistic action of Bicoid and the repressor Capicua determines the spatial limits of Drosophila head gene expression domains
Löhr U, Chung HR, Beller M, Jäckle H. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Dec 22;106(51):21695-700. |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Friday 16/01/15 |
09:00-11:00 |
Eli Keshet |
Organogenesis of the cardiovascular system |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Shigeo Hayashi |
Epithelia: architecture and mechanics |
01:00-02:00 | Lunch | |
02:00-03:00 |
Eli Keshet |
Organogenesis of the cardiovascular system (continued) |
3:00-4:00 |
Illana Keshet |
Epigenetics in development |
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-5:30 |
Journal Club Preparation |
5:30-7:30 |
Shigeo Hayashi |
Journal Club III:
Pulsed contractions of an actin-myosin network drive apical constriction
Martin AC, Kaschube M, Wieschaus EF. (2009). Nature. 2009 Jan |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Saturday 17/01/15 |
9:00-11:00 |
Shigeo Hayashi |
Tube: patterning, geometry and plasticity |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Eli Keshet |
Adult stem cell niches |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-4:00 |
Shigeo Hayashi |
Appendage: shaping a sheet into an organ |
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-5:30 |
Journal Club Preparation |
5:30-7:30 |
Shigeo Hayashi |
Journal Club IV:
Dll+ secretory progenitor cells revert to stem cells upon crypt damage.
van Es JH, Sato T, van de Wetering M, Lyubimova A, Nee AN, Gregorieff A, Sasaki N, Zeinstra L, van den Born M, Korving J, Martens AC, Barker N, van Oudenaarden A, Clevers H. Nat Cell Biol. 2012 Oct;14(10):1099-104.
Useful review- Plasticity within stem cell hierarchies in mammalian epithelia. Tetteh PW, Farin HF, Clevers H. Trends Cell Biol. 2014 Oct 9. |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Sun 18/01/15 free
Monday 19/01/15 |
9:00-11:00 |
Erez Raz |
Germ-cell specification and fate maintenance |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Erez Raz |
Cell motility |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-4:00 |
Talila Volk |
Gastrulation of the Drosophila embryo |
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-5:30 |
Journal Club Preparation |
6:00-7:30 |
Erez Raz Talila Volk |
Q&A |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Tuesday 20/01/15 |
9:00-11:00 |
Talila Volk |
Neurogenesis and asymmetric cell division |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Erez Raz |
Directed germ cell migration |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-4:00 |
Talila Volk |
The biology of muscle nuclei |
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-5:30 |
Journal Club Preparation |
5:30-7:30 |
Erez Raz Talila Volk |
Journal Club V: Generation and dynamics of an endogenous, self- generated signaling gradient across a migrating tissue.
Venkiteswaran G, Lewellis SW, Wang J, Reynolds E, Nicholson C, Knaut H. Cell. 2013 Oct 24;155(3):674-87.
Journal Club VI: Directional tissue migration through a self- generated chemokine gradient.
Donà E, Barry JD, Valentin G, Quirin C, Khmelinskii A, Kunze A, Durdu S, Newton LR, Fernandez-Minan A, Huber W, Knop M, Gilmour D. Nature. 2013 Nov 14;503(7475):285-9. |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Wednesday 21/01/15 |
9:00-11:00 |
Beni Podbilewicz |
C. elegans vulva development: a paradigm for organogenesis |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Eli Zelzer |
Limb Development |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-4:00 |
Beni Podbilewicz |
Mechanisms of cell-cell fusion in eukaryotes:
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-6:00 |
Journal Club Preparation |
6:00-7:30 |
Beni Podbilewicz Eli Zelzer |
Q&A |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Thursday 22/01/15 |
9:00-11:00 |
Eli Zelzer |
Skeletogenesis |
11:00-11:30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11:30-1:00 |
Beni Podbilewicz |
Mechanisms of neuronal tree generation and regeneration |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-4:00 |
Eli Zelzer |
Musculoskeletal assembly |
4:00-4:15 |
Tea/Coffee |
4:15-5:30 |
Journal Club Preparation |
6:00-7:30 |
Beni Podbilewicz Eli Zelzer |
Journal Club VII:
Skin-Derived Cues Control Arborization of Sensory Dendrites in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Salzberg, Y., Diaz-Balzac, C.A., Ramirez-Suarez, N.J., Attreed, M., Tecle, E.,Desbois, M., Kaprielian, Z., and Bulow, H.E. (2013). Cell. 2013 Oct 10;155(2):308-20.
Shrestha, B.R., and Grueber, W.B. Neuronal Morphogenesis: Worms Get an EFF in Dendritic Arborization. Curr Biol. 2010 Aug 24;20(16):R673- 5.
Ziegenfuss, J.S., and Grueber, W.B. SAX-7 and menorin light the path for dendrite morphogenesis. Cell. 2013 Oct 10;155(2):269-71. |
7:30-8:30 |
Dinner |
Friday 23/01/15 |
9:00-12:00 |
Krishanu Ray |
Stem cell division and transit amplification regulation: Evidences from Drosophila testis |
12:00-1:00 |
Lunch |