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GENESIS use in instruction

We have spent considerable time and effort developing educational tutorials for instruction in both neurobiology and computational methods. These tutorials and GENESIS are now being widely used in graduate and undergraduate instruction. These uses include full semester courses in computational neuroscience or neural modeling, short intensive courses or workshops, an option for a course project, and short units on computational neuroscience within courses on artificial neural nets. For an example of the use of the GENESIS tutorials as the basis for a short unit on neural modeling, see the WWW version of two lectures given at the University of Colorado.

The institutions of of which we are aware that have used GENESIS in instruction are:

  • University of Colorado
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne
  • Yale University
  • Caltech
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of Minnesota
  • McMaster University (Canada)
  • Keele University (UK)
  • Harvey Mudd College
  • University of Texas at Galveston
  • Syracuse University
  • University of Texas (Dallas)
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Toronto
  • Arizona State University
  • University of Quebec
  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Stanford University
  • University of Aachen (Germany)
  • Ohio University, MIT
  • The University of Edinburgh (UK)
  • George Mason University
  • Case Western Reserve University
  • University of Akron
  • University of California at Los Angeles
  • Memorial University (St. John's NF)
  • Purdue University
  • Harvard University
  • United States Naval Academy
  • Oxford Brookes University (UK)
  • Charles University (Prague)
  • University of Leipzig (Germany).

GENESIS has formed the basis for the laboratory section of the Methods in Computational Neuroscience course (1988-1997)a t the Marine Biological Laboratory, and the Crete course in Computational Neuroscience (1996-1997). GENESIS was also used in a course directed and taught by the P.I. and sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, in Mexico City in the summer of 1991. This later course was specifically organized for Mexican Nationals as an outreach effort of the National Academy and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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