Protein structure
Signalling pathways
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Welcome to the NCBS mirror of the GENESIS Home Page

This page is devoted to the exchange of information between users and developers of the GEneral NEural SImulation System.

Information about GENESIS

You may find a description of new features in the latest versions of GENESIS and Parallel GENESIS (PGENESIS) in the README file on the GENESIS ftp site at NCBS.
You can download the latest GENESIS/Kinetikit binaries here

Visit the GENESIS ftp site at NCBS. to download the recent (May 2001) release of GENESIS version 2.2, PGENESIS, and more.

What is biologically realistic neural modeling? (A short introduction to computational neuroscience)

Hypertext version of the GENESIS Reference manual

Samples of GENESIS Tutorial Simulations

Examples of GENESIS Research Simulations

Recent publications involving GENESIS

Use of GENESIS in Education

The Book of GENESIS (NEW Second edition published February 1998)

GENESIS on Parallel Computers

Information on the GENESIS-based Neural Database and Modeler's Workspace (part of the Human Brain Project).

The GENESIS Users Group, BABEL

If you have any questions regarding GENESIS, please email:

Dave Beeman
India GENESIS resource person: Upinder S. Bhalla
Last updated November 10, 1999