Click here to answer the 10 Question Survey

Horizon Scanning India - 10 Question Survey

Across the planet, biodiversity, ecosystems and natural resources are in steep decline. These declines will affect us all, with important consequences for human welfare and quality of life.

The conservation of our natural world is a challenging and complex task. It needs to take into account concerns of everyone who will be affected. It is therefore important to step back and consider present and future threats identified by a large and diverse group of people.

This will help guide the direction of future research, and lead to conservation and management of resources which will be better informed and organised.

Horizon Scanning India is an initiative by researchers from institutions and NGOs in India, and is funded by the UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI). We are working to identify priority topics and areas of future research in biodiversity, ecosystems and natural resources in the country, by taking into account the views of scientists and non-scientists alike.

Your participation is important to make this initiative a success. Please take some time to answer this survey.


How it works

Horizon Scanning India will work in two stages. The first stage is a questionnaire survey. Here you will have the chance to give us up to 10 questions on biodiversity, ecosystems and natural resources in India which you think scientists should address with future research. By biodiversity and ecosystems we mean, plants, animals, people, the habitats they live in and how they interact with each other.
In the second stage, you will be contacted to rate the importance of the most commonly asked questions in the survey.
At the end of the two stages, we would have identified a list of priority areas and topics for research that are considered important by a large number of people across the country.
The list will be representative of the opinion of people from different backgrounds, with different concerns and will provide a guide for future research and management of biodiversity, ecosystems and natural resources in India.
Updates on the progress of this initiative will be posted on this website.

What you can do

For Horizon Scanning India to be successful, it is essential that a large number of people across the country participate, submit their questions and rate them. You do not need to be an expert to participate.
Please forward the link to this website or survey to anyone you think may be interested in giving their opinion - family, friends and colleagues.

Contact us

For further information regarding this initiative, please contact us on



From studies and surveys elsewhere, we know that an individual's opinion is very likely to be influenced by factors such as age, income, gender, education and occupation. In this survey, we therefore ask you for such information, in order to better understand the responses.

All personal information will be kept strictly confidential. In the results of the survey, your responses will not be associated with your name, email address or IP address of the computer your response was sent from.

Please be assured that your privacy will be protected.

For those of you who choose to give us your email address and names, we will use this information only to contact you for the second stage.


Click here to answer the 10 Question Survey


Image credits: M O Anand, Uttara Mendiratta and Varun Varma

Logo design: Sitanshu Shukla