DAAD fellowships

  • Purpose

Two Fellowships are available for NCBS/inStem PhD students to join research groups at the University of Würzburg, Germany, for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 months in the year 2015, preferably in the time window between the beginning of May and the end of July. Other times of the year might be possible if justified. The purpose of the stay is research. Knowledge of the German language is not necessary.

  • What’s included

The fellowships comprises of the following:

  • 550 Euros travel subsidy
  • 60 Euros/month for a compulsory health insurance in Germany
  • 1000 Euros/month for subsistence

The selected students will receive full administrative support by the University of Würzburg Graduate Schools, including documents confirming funding for the purpose of visa application. Students will be enrolled at the University of Würzburg as “program students” (administrative fee of 101 Euros applies). This fee includes a flat rate ticket for public transport in the larger Würzburg region and access to subsidized meals at the University canteens. Students will have to submit a report of 3-5 pages to the University of Würzburg Graduate Schools 8 weeks after their stay plus any form of report to NCBS/inStem as required .

[*For comparison: The maximum federal support for German students studying at a German university is 670 Euros/month (including support for health insurance).]

  • Application process

A written application stating student’s academic/personal motivation and qualification. The applicants must document in their application the conditional consent by a potential mentor at the University of Würzburg (www.graduateschools.uni- wuerzburg.de/life_sciences), stating that this person is willing to host the applicant in case of a successful application. Also, a short note on how are you going to cope up with an alien culture during your stay in Germany. Students will be selected by a selection committee of at least three NCBS/inStem Principal Investigators.

  • Deadline

Applications should be submitted by 15 th February 2015, to the Academic Office (acadoffice@ncbs.res.in or rashi@instem.res.in).