TitleClose-up observations on the spawning behavior of a captive Japanese flying squid (Todarodes pacificus).
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsYamamoto J, Adachi K, Bower JR, Matsui H, Nakaya M, Ohtani R, Puneeta P, Suzuki S, Tokioka S, Vijai D, Yanagimoto T, Yoo H-K
JournalSci Rep
Date Published2019 Dec 24

The spawning behavior of a Japanese flying squid (Todarodes pacificus) is described based on up-close observation of a captive female. The squid was first transferred from a 10-ton tank to a polystyrene plastic box containing 45 liters of seawater. About one hour later, the mantle-contraction rate increased rapidly, followed by a brief convulsion of the mantle and arms and a whitening of the body. The mantle contractions become shallow and rapid, and several seconds later, semitransparent jelly presumably from the nidamental glands emerged from the funnel and passed between the ventral pair of arms. Approximately 90 seconds after the egg mass first emerged, the female began ejecting oocytes through the funnel into the egg mass using rapid, powerful mantle contractions. Soon after the oocytes were ejected, translucent strands (presumably sperm) emanated from the buccal membrane. The female continued to eject oocytes for approximately two minutes, after which the mantle convulsed, and the mantle-contraction rate decreased slowly for about one minute until the contractions stopped. The squid died soon afterwards.

Alternate JournalSci Rep
PubMed ID31875026
PubMed Central IDPMC6930201