'Public Health Lecture Series, Dengue Project'
National Centre for Biological Sciences

invites you to the Webinar series focusing on COVID-19

‘COVID Combat Zone Insights’

Date-1 July 2020

Time- 5 pm

Registration Link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wE0ihrMYSq6VQblCsVuWyw

Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDfe_QCY-kWngDvekHhVMfQ

The world is getting closer to achieving one of the most important public health goals of our time: eradicating HIV. And to do this, we won't even have to cure the disease. We simply have to create awareness to stop HIV from being transmitted until eventually, it fizzles out. But in the time of one on-going pandemic, COVID, what would be its implications on the earlier pandemic we are yet to find a cure for?

Let's engage with the powerful personal narrative of our speakers.

Ashok Alexander: founder-director of the Antara Foundation, moved from the corporate world to create Avahan, the Gates foundation HIV initiative in India. Avahan grew to become the worlds largest HIV prevention program, credited with averting over 600,000 infections. He will draw upon his experiences in HIV and maternal and child health in multiple states, to talk about scale in public health delivery, and insights into the COVID pandemic.

Yanga Mdleneni: is a young HIV researcher at Caprisa, South Africa. This is a centre that focuses on AIDS research in Durban, South Africa and she will tell us about her centre and the lessons from there for both HIV and COVID management.

Ravi Vasanthapuram: Being from Nimhans, Ravi has been the driving force of clinical virology in Bangalore, Karnataka and beyond for several decades. He is currently involved in both setting up screening for COVID all across Karnataka and integrating this into overall COVID management. Collectively, the speakers will give us a sense of lessons from HIV, public health and recent COVID experience in shaping the immediate future against coronaviruses.