NCBS/InStem - Kumamoto Workshop 

6th March, 2019 LH-1 from 2pm

6th March        
        02:00        Welcome
        02:15        Ryuichi Nishinakamura         Rebuilding the kidney from pluripotent stem cells
        02:45        Raghu Padinjat                Disease modelling for human brain disorders                                        
        03:15        Takumi Era                    Study for intractable diseases using disease-derived iPS cells                
        03:45        Sabarinathan Radhakrishnan    Inferring somatic mutational processes from cancergenomes                
        04:00        Break                                                                                                                                                        
        04:30        Deepa Agashe                  Evolution of bacterial translation machinery
        05:00        Kunimasa Ohta                 Lactic Acid Bacteria Converts Human Fibroblasts to Multipotentcells                
        05:30        Amanjot Singh                 Function and handling of disordered domains in RNA granules                                
        06:00        Akira Nakamura                Drosophila germ plasm assembly and function                                        

7th March        
        09:30        Madan Rao                                                                                                                                                
        10:00        Kenji Shimamura               Novel intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms for the proper laminar organization of the cerebral cortex        
        10:30        Hiyaa Ghosh                   Fate decisions: how to decide whether to be glia or neuron during adult neurogenesis?                                
        11:00        Raj Ladher                    Inner Hair Cell Morphogenesis                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
        11:15        Break                                                                                                        
        11:45        Dasradhi Palakodeti                                                                                                                                
        12:15        Satoshi Tateishi              Chk2 maintains genomic DNA stability and prevents skin carcinogenesis following UV exposure                
        12:45        Anjana Badrinarayan           Regulation of DNA damage response and repair in microbial systems                                                                                                                                                        
        13:15        Lunch                                                                                                                
        15:00        Sandeep Krishnan              Binary decision betweeen  cell fates                                                                
        15:30        Arjun Guha                    Mechanisms for Lung injury-repair                                        
        16:00        Dimple Notani                 Role of transcriptional enhancers in gene regulation                                
        16:30        Hitoshi  Niwa                 Transcription factor network working in mouse ES cells