1. Venues at NCBS

Fun fact: The meeting rooms in NCBS are named after parts of a cell or organelles. The seminar halls/lecture halls/auditorium are named after a variety of mangoes.

Golgi- Meeting Room ELC 1st Floor 25 capacity

Chloroplast- Meeting Room ELC 2nd Floor 25 capacity

LH1- Seminar Room ELC 1st Floor 109 seater

LH2- Seminar Room ELC 2nd Floor

Endosome- Meeting Room SLC 1st Floor 12 capacity

Mitochondria- Meeting Room SLC 2nd Floor 12 capacity

Dasheri- Auditorium SLC Ground Floor 189 seater

Malgova- Seminar Room SLC 2nd Floor 80 seater

Safeda- Seminar Room SLC 2nd Floor 70 seater

Raspuri-Classroom, has a sliding partition that allows two classes to take place at a time. Open the sliding partition to use the entire venue. One side has blackboards and the other has white boards. The sliding partition isn't sound proof.


2. Accommodation

The various guest houses at NCBS are named after flowers in the local language Kannada

Parijatha- has single and sharing rooms. These are for students and student participants of meetings/workshops. The sharing rooms have bunk beds.

Champaka- for speakers and guests

Naidile-For speakers and guests