Zhang C, Joseph A, Casini L, Collier J, Badrinarayanan A, Manley S. (2024). Chromosome organization shapes replisome dynamics in Caulobacter crescentus, Nature Communications. Apr 24;15(1):3460.

Kamat A., Tran N., Sharda M., Sontakke N., Le T., & Badrinarayanan A. (2024). Widespread prevalence of a methylation-dependent switch to activate an essential DNA damage response in bacteria. PLOS Biology, 22, 3, e3002540.

Kamat, A., & Badrinarayanan, A. (2023). SOS-independent bacterial DNA damage responses: Diverse mechanisms, unifying function. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 73, 102323.

Chimthanawala, A., Parmar, J. J., Kumar, S., Iyer, K. S., Rao, M., & Badrinarayanan, A. (2022). SMC protein RecN drives RecA filament translocation for in vivo homology search. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(46), e2209304119.

Dua, N., Seshadri, A., & Badrinarayanan, A. (2022). DarT-mediated mtDNA damage induces dynamic reorganization and selective segregation of mitochondria. The Journal of Cell Biology, 221(10), e202205104.
Joseph A, Daw S, Sadhir I and Badrinarayanan A. (2021). Coordination between nucleotide excision repair and specialized polymerase DnaE2 action enables survival in non-replicating bacteria. eLife. 10:e67552.

Raghunathan S, Chimthanawala A, Vecchiarelli A, Krishna S and Badrinarayanan A. (2020). Asymmetric chromosome segregation and cell division in DNA damage-induced bacterial filaments. Mol Biol Cell. mbc-E20-08-0547

Sharda M, Badrinarayanan A*, Seshasayee A* (2020). Evolutionary and Comparative analysis of bacterial Non-Homologous End Joining Repair. Genome Biol Evol. gbe/evaa223

Joseph A and Badrinarayanan A. (2020) Visualizing mutagenic repair: novel insights into bacterial translesion synthesis. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 44, 572–582.

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