Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the most powerful technique for characterization of biomolecular structures and dynamics at atomic resolution in the solution state. The NCBS NMR facility is dedicated to assist the NCBS researchers to provide instrumentation for, and aid in collecting data on the structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules. The Facility offers state-of-the-art instrumentation, training, software and assistance in designing experiments.

Located on the ground floor of the SLC building, the facility is equipped with a new Bruker Ascend™ 800 MHz spectrometer and 600 MHz spectrometer with Z-gradient electronics and full temperature control capability for liquids. Probes currently available for this instrument are:

An Inverse Triple Resonance (TXI) 5 mm probe for 1H observation and 13C and 15N decoupling with automatic tuning and matching and Z-gradient coil.
A Triple Resonance (TCI) 13C-enhanced 5 mm CryoProbe for 1H observation and 13C with 15N decoupling that also provides exceptional 13C observe sensibility. The cryoprobe has automatic tuning and matching and a Z-gradient coil for gradients up to 100G/cm.

Interested NCBS researchers are requested to reserve spectrometer through the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy facility manager  Purushotham R (purushothamr at instem dot res dot in)