Masters of Science in Molecular Biology and Genetics
Research Interest
I am interested in transcriptional regulation which takes place via various nucleoid associated proteins. My work revolves around CRP, a major transcription factor and NAP in E.coli. Genome methylation is extremely important in maintaining genome integrity. Literature as well as bioinformatic studies have indicated regulation of CRP targets by methylation as well as CRP. My aim is to parse this cross-talk. Bacteria evolve various mechanisms to combat environmental stress. Prior work in the lab led to discovery of E.coli mutant with low intracellular cAMP levels. Transcriptome studies, however, revealed over-expression of genes regulated by cAMP-CRP complex. In this project we would like to probe into the mechanism employed to achieve this over-expression despite low levels of intracellular cAMP.

Shweta Chakraborty
shwetac at ncbs dot res dot in