M.Tech (Res.)- Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science(IISc.), Bangalore-12, India B.E. - Aeronautical Engineering, NItte Meenakshi Institute of Technology (NMIT), Bangalore-64, India +2- Caspian Valley HSS, Kathmandu, Nepal
Research Interest
Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics,Insect aerodynamics, Aircraft propulsion

Dipendra Gupta
dipendrag at iisc dot ac dot in

MAVs and aircraft, when hit by a turbulent gust, can undergo severe structural loss which may even be catastrophic. But, same is not the case with Insects.  It doesn’t take them even a fraction of a second to stabilize themselves after being hit by a gust. What may be the wing kinematic techniques, they are employing to do this? Are there any other strategies too?  With this motivation, we are studying the impact of a gust on soldier fly and trying to see if the learned techniques can be employed to the design of  MAVs and aircraft to reduce the gust impact.