Research Interest
Neuroethology & Sensory physiology

Parthasarathy Kalyanasundaram
parthasarathyk at ncbs dot res dot in

As a sensory biologist, I am fascinated by how animals navigate using sensory cues - the related behaviors and the underlying brain function. Throughout my research career, I have specifically focused on how animals use chemical signals to navigate the environment in order to find food and mate. As a Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Prof. Upinder Singh Bhalla, I studied the neural basis of bilateral odor localization behavior in rats. Over the course of my Ph.D., I got interested in the invertebrate sensory biology. As a postdoctoral fellow at the Case Western Reserve University in the laboratory of Prof. Mark Willis, I studied the low light vision and odor-guided navigation of nocturnal insects. Currently, as a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Sanjay Sane’s laboratory at NCBS, I have been studying how insects combine odor plume tracking with visual recognition to track conspecific mates.