Dr. rer. nat., Physics (Leipzig University and University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
Research Interest
Deciphering the role of active remodeling of cortical actin on the spatiotemporal organization of cell surface molecules using an in vitro assay. further interest lies in cell mechanics and ways to mechanically manipulate cells in a controlled manner

Darius Koster
darius at ncbs dot res dot in

funding for my resaerch are provided by NCBS and AXA research fund (


for information about ways to mechanically manipulate cells and to measure their mechanical properties, check out the talks and presentations of the previous ICTS programs 'Mechnical manipulation and responses at the scale of cells and beyond'


1. Sinha B*, Köster D*, Ruez R, Gonnord P, Bastiani M, Abankwa D, Stan RV, Butler-Browne G, Vedie B, Johannes L, Morone N, Parton RG, Raposo G, Sens P, Lamaze C, Nassoy P, Cells respond to mechanical stress by rapid disassembly of caveolae. Cell 144, 402–13 (2011).
* contributed equally

2. Campillo C, Sens P, Köster D, Pontani LL, Lévy D, Bassereau P, Nassoy P, Sykes C, Unexpected Membrane Dynamics Unveiled by Membrane Nanotube Extrusion. Biophys. J. 104, 1248–1256 (2013).

3. Shrivastava, R., Köster, D., Kalme, S., Mayor, S., Neerathilingam, M. Tailor-Made Ezrin Actin Binding Domain to Probe Its Interaction with Actin In-Vitro. PLoS One 10, e0123428 (2015).

4. Köster DV, Husain K, Iljazi E, Bhat A, Bieling P, Mullins RD, Rao M, Mayor S: Actomyosin dynamics drive local membrane component organization in an in vitro active composite layer. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2016, doi:10.1073/pnas.1514030113.

5. Köster D V, Mayor S: Cortical actin and the plasma membrane: inextricably intertwined. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 2016, 38:81–89.