Research Interest

Yadugiri V T
yadugirivt at ncbs dot res dot in

Yadugiri V.T. (PhD student)

yadugirivt [at] ncbs [dot] res [dot] in

Factors affecting the vegetation of a region can be classified into two – top-down forces (such as herbivory) and bottom-up forces (such as water and nutrient availability).  Alterations in water and nutrient availability can be driven by global change factors such as rising temperature, nutrient deposition and changes in the quantity, intensity and frequency of precipitation. Vegetation responses to top-down and bottom-up forces, however, may be influenced by changes in microbial mutualists most plants are associated with.  One of the most ancient and widespread mutualisms is with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). 

The focus of my work is to see how the top-down and bottom-up forces influence changes in mycorrhizal densities in plants.  I am also studying the relations between AMF and the responses of other plant mutualists such as endophytic fungi and rhizobia.  I am using a combination of field experiments in the high altitude trans-Himalayan rangelands in the Spiti valley and in the montane grasslands of the Nilgiris in the Western Ghats, as well as common garden experiments to address these questions.    

Other interests

I am also deeply interested in traditional Indian knowledge pertaining to plant sciences.  I worked with Dr. K. N. Ganeshaiah of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, on translating five Indian botanical texts, dating back to 6th – 11th century CE, and compiling these into a searchable database.

I also enjoy science writing, a passion I discovered during my Masters, when I worked part-time as an S. Ramaseshan science writing fellow for two years with the journal, Current Science.  The links to some of the articles are below. 

  • Yadugiri, V. T. (2010). Climate change: the role of plant physiology.  Current Science 99.25: 423 – 425 [pdf]
  • Yadugiri, V. T. (2011). Biomass to fuel: the uncertain path.  Current Science 101.2: 141 – 145 [pdf]
  • Yadugiri, V. T. (2011). Rinderpest: the fall of a virus.  Current Science 101.8: 990 – 993 [pdf]

 Of all the articles, I enjoyed the doing the interviews the most – I had the opportunity to meet some of the best minds in a variety of fields of research, and spend an hour or more with them, talking about their life and work, what inspired them, and how they see the world around them.  The links to some of the interviews are below.

  • Yadugiri, V. T. (2010).  Interview with Venkatraman Ramakrishnan. Current Science 98.2: 136 – 139 [pdf]
  • Yadugiri, V. T. (2010).  B. P. Radhakrishna (‘BPR’). Current Science 98.9: 1169 – 1175 [pdf]
  • Yadugiri, V. T. (2010).  The evolution of a surgeon and innovator: M. S. Valiathan. Current Science 99.7: 875 – 881 [pdf]
  • Yadugiri, V. T. (2011).  The magic of the living world. Current Science 100.8: 1129 – 1134 [pdf]
  • Yadugiri, V. T. (2011).  M. S. Swaminathan. Current Science 101.8: 996 – 1002 [pdf]