Postdoctoral position available:

Postdoctoral positions are available to work on theoretical and experimental aspects of DNA repair. Experience in one or more of the following areas will be important: molecular biology techniques, experience with cloning, protein purification techniques, tissue culture, spectroscopy and ab initio and molecular dynamics calculations.

We seek individuals with recent Ph.D.s in any area of physics, chemistry or biology with a strong research background.

To apply send a C.V. and names of 3 references to: puranik.mrinaliniATgmailDotcom

Posted on 01 March 2012.

Project Positions:

A short-term position (upto 1 year) is available immediately in our research group. The project involves studying the structure of human melanin pigment.
Qualifications: Candidate should possess a Master's degree in chemistry or physics.

Please submit a CV and two references to Mrinalini Puranik at mpuranik@ncbs.res.inThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Posted on 01 March 2012

Masters Projects: We host a maximum of two students in the lab for Masters projects in computational and experimental biology and biophysical spectroscopy every academic year. Students pursuing degrees in Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Biotechnology may apply.

Please submit a CV, with a brief description of your research interests and list of previous course work to puranik.mrinaliniAtgmailDotcom. Must include tentative start and end dates of the project. 
Posted on 01 March 2012