1. Gupta, K and Chattarji, S (2021) Sex differences in the delayed impact of acute stress on the amygdala. Neurobiology of Stress Volume 14, 2021,100292
  2. Saxena K, Chakraborty P, and Chattarji S (2020) The same stress has divergent effects on social versus asocial manifestations of anxiety-like behavior over time. Stress DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2020.1855421.
  3. Spedding M, Chattarji S, Spedding C, Jay TM (2020) Brain circuits at risk in psychiatric diseases and pharmacological pathways. Therapies DOI:10.1016/j.therap.2020.12.005
  4. Anilkumar S, Patel D, de Boer SF, Chattarji S, Buwalda (2020) Decreased dendritic spine density in posterodorsal medial amygdala neurons of proactive coping rats. Behavioral Brain Research
  5. Chakraborty P, Datta S, McEwen BS, and Chattarji, S (2020) Corticosterone after acute stress prevents the delayed effects on the amygdala. Neuropsychopharmacology
  6. Das Sharma S, Pal R, Reddy BK, Selvaraj BT, Raj N, Samaga KK, Srinivasan DJ, Ornelas L, Sareen D, Livesey MR, Basell GJ, Svendsen CN, Kind PC, Chandran S, Chattarji S, Wyllie DJA (2020) Cortical neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells lacking FMRP display altered spontaneous firing patterns. Molecular Autism 11, 52 DOI: 10.1186/s13229-020-00351-4.
  7. Venkatasubramani JP, Subramanyam P, Pal R, Reddy BK, Srinivasan D, Chattarji S, Iossifov I, Klann E, Bhattacharya A (2020) N-terminal variant Asp14Asn of the human p70 S6 Kinase 1 enhances translational signaling causing different effects in developing and mature neuronal cells. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory DOI:10.1016/j.nlm.2020.107203.
  8. Mastro TL, Preza A, Basu S, Chattarji S, Till SM, Kind PC, Kennedy MB (2020) A sex difference in the response of the rodent postsynaptic density to synGAP haploinsufficiency. eLife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.52656
  9. Yasmin F, Colangeli R, Morena M, Filipski S, van der Stelt M, Pittman QJ, Hillard CJ, Teskey GC, McEwen BS, Hill MN, and Chattarji S (2019) Stress-induced modulation of endocannabinoid signalling leads to delayed strengthening of synaptic connectivity in the amygdala. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1910322116.
  10. Dwivedi D, Chattarji S, and Bhalla US (2019) Impaired reliability and precision of spiking in adults but not juveniles in a mouse model of Fragile X Syndrome. eNeuro DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0217-19.2019
  11. Preeti MK, Ramakrishna S, Neelagandan N, Chattarji S, Muddashetty RS (2019) NMDAR mediated translation at the synapse is regulated by MOV10 and FMRP. Molecular Brain 12:65. DOI:10.1186/s13041-019-0473-0
  12. Asiminas A, Jackson AD, Louros SR, Till SM, Spano T, Dando O, Bear MF, Chattarji S, Hardingham GE, Osterweil EK, Wyllie DJA, Wood ER, Kind PC (2019) Sustained correction of associative learning deficits following brief, early treatment in a rat model of Fragile X Syndrome. Science Translational Medicine, Vol. 11, Issue 494. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aao0498.
  13. Chakraborty P and Chattarji S (2019) Interventions after acute stress prevent its delayed effects on the amygdala. Neurobiology of Stress DOI: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2019.100168
  14. Dongaonkar B, Hupbach A, Nadel L, Chattarji S (2019) Differential Effects of Unipolar versus Bipolar Depression on Episodic Memory Updating. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Volume 161, May 2019, Pages 158-168. DOI:10.1016/j.nlm.2019.04.008.
  15. Patel D, Kas MJ, Chattarji S, Buwalda B (2019) Rodent models of social stress and neuronal plasticity: relevance to depressive-like disorders. Behavioral Brain Research Vol. 369. DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2019.111900
  16. Naskar, S and Chattarji, S (2019) Stress elicits contrasting effects on the structure and number of astrocytes in the amygdala versus hippocampus. eNeuro DOI: 10.1523 / ENEURO.0338-18.2019.
  17. Michelle, ND, Gowda, N, Tiwari, V, Babu, R, Anand, P, Ghosh Dastidar, S, Singh, R, Selevaraj, BT, Pal, R, Ramesh, A, Chattarji, S, Chandran, S, Gulyani, A, Palakodeti, D, Muddashetty, R (2019) FMRP interacts with C/D box snoRNA in the nucleus and regulates ribosomal RNA methylation. iScience. 12: 368. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.01.026
  18. Chakraborty, P. & Chattarji, S. (2018) Timing is everything: differential effects of chronic stress on fear extinction. Psychopharmacology DOI:10.1007/s00213-018-5053-y
  19. Rahman M. M., Shukla A., Chattarji S. (2018) Extinction recall of fear memories formed before stress is not affected despite amygdalar hyperactivity. eLife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.35450
  20. Viswanath, B. et al., (2018) Discovery biology of neuropsychiatric syndromes (DBNS): a center for integrating clinical medicine and basic science, BMC Psychiatry, 18:106; DOI: 10.1186/s12888-018-1674-2
  21. Saxena, K., Webster, J., Potts, A., MacKenzie, R., Spooner, P., Thomson, D., Kind, P., Chattarji, S., Morris, R. (2018) Experiential contributions to social dominance in a rat model of Fragile-X syndrome. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B DOI:


  1. Madan, J. S., Gupta, K., Chattarji, S., Bhattacharya, A. (2018) Hippocampal and amygdalar cell-specific translation is similar soon after stress but diverge over time. Hippocampus DOI: 10.1002/hipo.22845.
  2. Patel D., Anilkumar S., Chattarji S., Buwalda B. (2018) Repeated social stress leads to contrasting patterns of structural plasticity in the amygdala and hippocampus. Behavioral Brain Research 347: 314 – 324.
  3. Rahman M. M., Kedia S., Fernandes G., Chattarji S. (2017) Activation of the same mGluR5 receptors in the amygdala causes divergent effects on specific versus indiscriminate fear. eLife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.2566.
  4. Rahman M. M. and Chattarji S. (2017) Stress-Induced Differential Regulation Leads to Decoupling of the Activity between mPFC and Amygdala. Biophysical Journal DOI:
  5. Yasmin F., Saxena K., McEwen B.S., Chattarji, S. (2016) The delayed strengthening of synaptic connectivity in the amygdala depends on NMDA receptor activation during acute stress. Physiological Reports 4 (20), doi: 10.14814/phy2.13002.
  6. Sengupta T., Das R., Chattarji S. (2016) Chronic but not acute immobilization stress stably enhances hippocampal CA1 metabotropic glutamate receptor dependent Long-Term Depression. Neuroscience Letters 633: 101–105.
  7. Rahman M. M., Callaghan C. K., Kerskens C. M., Chattarji S., O’Mara S. M. (2016) Early hippocampal volume loss as a marker of eventual memory deficits caused by repeated stress. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 29127 doi: 10.1038/srep29127.
  8. Chattarji, S., Tomar, A., Suvrathan, A., Ghosh, S., and Rahman, M. M. (2015) Neighborhood matters: divergent patterns of stress-induced plasticity across the brain. Nature Neuroscience 18, 1364–1375. doi:10.1038/nn.4115.
  9. Till, S.M., Asiminas, A., Jackson, A.D., Katsanevaki, D., Barnes, S.A., Osterweil, E.K., Bear, M.F., Chattarji, S., Wood, E., Wyllie, D.A.J. and Kind, P.C. (2015) Conserved hippocampal cellular pathophysiology but distinct behavioural deficits in a rat model of Fragile X Syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics Vol. 24: 5977-5984 PMID: 26243794.
  10. Ghosh, S. and Chattarji, S. (2015) Neuronal encoding of the switch from specific to generalized fear. Nature Neuroscience 18, 112–120.
  11. Suvrathan, A., Sharath, B.S., Ghosh, S., Tomar, A., Anilkumar, S., Chattarji, S. (2014) Stress enhances fear by forming new synapses with greater capacity for LTP in the amygdala, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B vol. 369 no. 1633 20130151.
  12. Chattarji, S. and Rao, Rajnish P. (2014) Resilience vs. susceptibility to stress: insights from blood-brain biomarkers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
  13. Tomar, A., Polygalov D., Chattarji S., McHugh T.J. (2014) The dynamic impact of repeated stress on the hippocampal spatial map. Hippocampus doi: 10.1002/hipo.22348.
  14. Rahman, M.M., Kerskens, C.M., Chattarji, S., O‘Mara, S.M. (2014) Chronic immobilization stress occludes in vivo cortical activation in an animal model of panic induced by carbon dioxide inhalation. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8:311. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00311.
  15. Kedia, S. and Chattarji, S. (2014) Marble burying as a test of the delayed anxiogenic effects of acute immobilisation stress in mice. Journal of Neuroscience Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.06.012.
  16. Sampath, D., Sabitha, K.R., Hegde, P., Jayakrishnan Hr, Kutty, B.M., Chattarji, S., Rangarajan, G., Laxmi, T.R. (2014) A study on fear memory retrieval and REM sleep in maternal separation and isolation stressed rats. Behav. Brain Res., Vol. 273, 144–154.
  17. Udagawa, T., Farny, N.G., Jakovcevski, M., Kaphzan, H., Alarcon, J.M., Anilkumar, S., Ivshina, M., Hurt, J.A., Nagaoka, K.A., Nalavadi, V.C., Lorenz, L.J., Bassell, G.J., Akbarian, S., Chattarji, S., Klann, E., and Richter, J.D. (2013) Genetic and Acute CPEB Depletion Ameliorate Fragile X Pathophysiology. Nature Medicine doi:10.1038/nm.3353.
  18. Ghosh, S., Rao, L.T., and Chattarji, S. (2013) Functional Connectivity from the Amygdala to the Hippocampus Grows Stronger after Stress. J. Neurosci. 33(17):7234 –7244.
  19. Ravinder, S.., Burghardt, N.S., Brodsky, R., Bauer, E.P., and Chattarji, S. (2013) A role for the extended amygdala in the fear enhancing effects of acute selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment. Translational Psych. 3, e209; doi:10.1038/tp.2012.137.
  20. Wijetunge, L.S., Chattarji, S., Wyllie, D.A.J., and Kind, P.C. (2013) Fragile X syndrome: from targets to treatment. Neuropharmacology 68: 83-96.
  21. Malik, R. and Chattarji, S. (2012) Enhanced intrinsic excitability and EPSP-spike coupling accompany enriched environment induced facilitation of LTP in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 107: (5) 1366-1378.
  22. Lakshminarasimhan, H. and Chattarji, S. (2012) Stress leads to contrasting effects on the levels of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the hippocampus and amygdala. PLoS ONE 7(1): e30481. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030481.
  23. Rao, R.P., Anilkumar, S., McEwen, B.S., and Chattarji, S. (2012) Glucocorticoids protect against the delayed behavioral and cellular effects of acute stress on the amygdala. Biological Psychiatry 72 (6): 466-475
  24. Hill, M.N., Kumar, S.A., Filipski, S.B., Iverson, M., Stuhr, K.L., Keith, J.M., Cravatt, B.F., Hillard, C.J., Chattarji, S., and McEwen, B.S. (2012) Disruption of fatty acid amide hydrolase activity prevents the effects of chronic stress on anxiety and amygdalar microstructure. Molecular Psychiatry 18, 1125-1135 (doi:10.1038/mp.2012.90)
  25. Pillai, A.G., Kumar, S.A., and Chattarji, S. (2012) The same antidepressant elicits contrasting patterns of synaptic changes in the amygdala versus hippocampus. Neuropsychopharmacology 37: 2702-2711.
  26. Kim S-Y., Burris J., Bassal F., Koldewyn K., Chattarji S., Tassone F., Hessl D., and Rivera S.M. (2012) Fear-specific amygdala function in children and adolescents on the fragile X spectrum: A dosage response of the FMR1 gene. Cerebral Cortex doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs341.
  27. Hegde, P., Jayakrishnan, H.R., Chattarji, S., Kutty, B.M., Laxmi, T.R. (2011) Chronic stress-induced changes in REM sleep on theta oscillations in the rat hippocampus and amygdala. Brain Research 1382: 155–164.
  28.  Suvrathan, A. and Chattarji, S. (2011) Fragile X Syndrome and the Amygdala. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 21 (3): 509-515.
  29. Chattarji, S. (2011) Lipocalin comes callin’ on the hippocampus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108 (45) 18197-18198
  30. Ravinder, S., Pillai, A.G., and Chattarji, S. (2011) Cellular correlates of enhanced anxiety caused by acute treatment with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine in rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 5: 88. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2011.00088.
  31. McEwen, B.S., Chattarji, S., Diamond, D.M. Jay, T.M., Reagan, L.P., Svenningsson, P., and Fuchs, E. (2010) The neurobiological properties of tianeptine (Stablon): from monoamine hypothesis to glutamatergic modulation. Molecular Psychiatry 15, 237-249
  32. Narayanan, R. and Chattarji S. (2010) Computational analysis of the impact of chronic stress on intrinsic and synaptic excitability in the hippocampus. Journal of Neurophysiology 103: 3070-3083.
  33. Suvrathan, A., Tomar, A., and Chattarji, S. (2010) Effects of chronic and acute stress on rat behaviour in the forced-swim test. Stress 13 (6): 533-540.
  34. Suvrathan, A., Hoeffer, C. A., Wong, H., Klann, E., and Chattarji, S. (2010) Characterization and reversal of synaptic defects in the amygdala in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107 (25): 11591-11596.
  35. Johnson S. A., Wang J.-F., Sun X., McEwen B.S., Chattarji S., and Young L.T. (2009) Lithium treatment prevents stress-induced dendritic remodeling in the rodent amygdala. Neuroscience 163 (1): 34–39.
  36.  Rao, R., Suvrathan A., Miller M. M., McEwen B.S., Chattarji S. (2009) PTSD: from Neurons to Networks. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Basic Science and Clinical Practice P. Shiromani, T. Keane, J. LeDoux (eds). pp. 151-184 Humana Press.
  37. Roozendaal, B., McEwen, B.S., and Chattarji, S. (2009) Stress, Memory and the Amygdala. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10: 423-433.
  38. Chattarji S. (2008) Stress-induced formation of new synapses in the amygdala. Neuropsychopharmacology 33: 199–200.
  39. Hegde, P., Singh K., Chaplot S., Rao B.S.S., Chattarji S., Kutty B.M., Laxmi T.R. (2008) Stress-induced changes in sleep and associated neuronal activity in rat hippocampus and amygdala. Neuroscience 153 (1): 20–30.
  40. McEwen B.S. and Chattarji S. (2007) Neuroendocrinology of Stress. In: Handbook of Neurochemistry & Molecular Neurobiology: Behavioral Neurochemistry and Neuroendocrinology (3rd Ed.), A. Lajtha & J.D. Blaustein (eds.), pp. 571-594, Springer Verlag.
  41. Bennur S., B.S. Rao B.S.S., Pawlak R., Strickland S., McEwen B.S. and Chattarji S. (2007) Stress-induced spine loss in the medial amygdala is mediated by tissue-plasminogen activator. Neuroscience 144 (1): 8–16.
  42. Titus AD, Shankaranarayana Rao BS, Harsha HN, Ramkumar K, Srikumar BN, Singh SB, Chattarji S, Raju T.R. (2007) Hypobaric hypoxia-induced dendritic atrophy of hippocampal neurons is associated with cognitive impairment in adult rats. Neuroscience 145:265-78.
  43. Hayashi M.L., Rao B.S.S., Seo J-S., Choi H-S., Dolan B.M., Choi S-Y., Chattarji S., and Tonegawa S. (2007) Inhibition of p21-activated kinase rescues symptoms of fragile X syndrome in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104(27):11489-494.
  44. Dolen G., Osterweil E., Rao B.S.S., Smith G.B., Auerbach B.D., Chattarji S., and Bear M.F. (2007) Correction of Fragile X Syndrome in Mice. Neuron 56: 955-962.
  45. Pawlak R, Rao BSS, Melchor JP, Chattarji S, McEwen B, and Strickland S (2006) Tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen mediate stress-induced decline of neuronal and cognitive functions in the mouse hippocampus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102(50):18201-6.
  46. Govindarajan A, Rao BSS, Nair D, Trinh M, Mawjee N, Tonegawa S, and Chattarji S (2006) Transgenic brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression causes both anxiogenic and antidepressant effects. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103(35):13208-13.
  47. Vyas A., Jadhav S, and Chattarji S. (2006) Prolonged behavioral stress enhances synaptic connectivity in the basolateral amygdala. Neuroscience 143: 387–393.
  48. Narayanan R., Narayan A., and Chattarji S. (2005) A Probabilistic Framework for Region-Specific Remodeling of Dendrites in Three-Dimensional Neuronal Reconstructions. Neural Computation 17(1):75-96.
  49. Mitra, R., Vyas, A., Chatterjee, G., and Chattarji, S (2005) Chronic-stress induced modulation of different states of anxiety-like behavior in female rats. Neurosci. Letters 383(3):278-83.
  50. Mitra, R., Jadhav, S., McEwen, B. S., Vyas, A., and Chattarji, S (2005) Stress duration modulates the spatio-temporal patterns of spine formation in the basolateral amygdala. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102 (26): 9371-76.
  51. Vyas A., Pillai A.G., and Chattarji S. (2004) Recovery after chronic stress fails to reverse amygdaloid neuronal hypertrophy and enhanced anxiety-like behavior. Neuroscience, 128(4): 667-673.
  52. Vyas A. and Chattarji S. (2004) Modulation of different states of anxiety-like behavior by chronic stress. Behav. Neurosci. 118(6):1450-4
  53. McEwen B.S. and Chattarji S. (2004) Molecular mechanisms of neuroplasticity and pharmacological implications: the example of tianeptine. Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol. Suppl 5:S497-502.
  54. Saura, C. A., Choi, S-Y, Beglopoulos, V., Malkani, S., Zhang, D., Rao, B.S.S., Chattarji, S., Kelleher, R. J, Kandel, E. R., Duff, K., Kirkwood, A., and Shen, J. (2004) Loss of Presenilin Function Causes Impairments of Memory and Synaptic Plasticity Followed by Age-Dependent Neurodegeneration. Neuron 42 (1): 23-36.
  55. Hayashi M.L., Choi S., Rao B.S.S., Jung H., Chattarji S., Kirkwood A., and Tonegawa, S. (2004) Altered Cortical Spine Morphology and Impaired Memory Consolidation in Forebrain-Specific Dominant Negative p21-activated Kinase (PAK) Transgenic Mice. Neuron 42 (5): 773-87.
  56. Vyas, A., Mitra, R. and Chattarji, S. (2003) Enhanced anxiety and hypertrophy in basolateral amygdala neurons following chronic stress in rats. “The Amygdala in Brain Function: Basic and Clinical Approaches”, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 985.
  57. Vyas, A., Bernal, S. and Chattarji, S. (2003) Effects of chronic stress on dendritic arborization in the central and extended amygdala. Brain Research 965(1-2): 290-294.
  58. Vyas, A., Mitra, R., Rao, B. S. S. and Chattarji, S. (2002) Chronic stress induces contrasting patterns of dendritic remodeling in hippocampal and amygdaloid neurons. J. Neurosci. 22(15): 6810-6818.
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  60. Chapman, P. F. and Chattarji, S. (2000) Synaptic plasticity in the amygdala. In: The Amygdala: A Functional Analysis, J. P. Aggleton (ed.), pp. 117-153, Oxford University Press.
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  63. Stanton, P. K., Chattarji, S. and Sejnowski, T. J. (1991) 2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid, an inhibitor of glutamate-stimulated phosphoinositide turnover, blocks induction of associative long-term depression, but not potentiation, in rat hippocampus. Neuroscience Letters 127: 61-66.
  64. Sejnowski, T. J., Chattarji, S. and Stanton, P. K. (1990) Homosynaptic long-term depression in hippocampus and neocortex. Seminars in Neuroscience 2: 355-363.
  65. Sejnowski, T. J., Chattarji, S. and Stanton, P. K. (1989) Induction of synaptic plasticity by Hebbian covariance in the hippocampus. In: The Computing Neuron, R. M. Durbin, R. C. Miall and G. J. Mitchison (eds.), pp. 105-124, Addison-Wesley.
  66. Chattarji, S., Stanton, P. K. and Sejnowski, T. J. (1989) Commissural synapses, but not mossy fiber synapses, in hippocampal field CA3 exhibit associative long-term potentiation and depression. Brain Research 495: 145-150.