Hoffmann M, Hilton-Taylor C, Angulo A, Böhm M, Brooks TM, Butchart SHM, ...(9 authors)... Quader S, et al. 2010. The impact of conservation on the status of the world's vertebrates. Science (in press). DOI: 10.1126/science.1194442.

Srinivasan U, Raza R and Quader S. 2010. The nuclear question: Rethinking species importance in multi-species animal groups. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 948-954.

Butchart SHM, Walpole M, Collen B, van Strien A, Scharlemann JPW, ...(29 authors)... Quader, S. et al. 2010. Global biodiversity: Indicators of recent declines. Science 328(5982): 1164-1168. DOI: 10.1126/science.1187512.

Quader S, Raza RH. 2008. MigrantWatch: A citizen science programme for the study of bird migration. Indian Birds 3(6): 202-209 (2007).

Butchart SHM, Akcakaya HR, Chanson J, Baillie JEM, Collen B, Quader S, et al. 2007. Improvements to the Red List Index . PLoS ONE 2(1): e140.

Welbergen JA, Quader S. 2006. Mother guarding: How offspring may influence the extra-pair behaviour of their parents . Proceedings of the Royal Society, B: Biological Sciences 273: 2363-2368

Quader S. 2006. Sequential settlement by nesting male and female weaverbirds: the role of monsoon winds. Journal of Avian Biology 37: 396-404.

Quader S. 2006. What makes a good nest? benefits of mate choice to female Baya Weavers Ploceus philippinus. The Auk 123 (2): 475-486.

Seavy NE, Quader S, Alexander JD, Ralph CJ. 2005. Generalized linear models and point count data: statistical considerations for the design and analysis of monitoring studies. Pp. 744-753 in CJ Ralph and TD Rich (Eds.). Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-191.

Quader S. 2005. Elaborate nests in a weaverbird: a role for female choice? Ethology 111 (12): 1073-1088.

Quader S. 2005. Mate choice and its implications for conservation and management. Current Science, 89: 1220-1229.

Merom K, Quader S, Yom-Tov Y. 2005. The winter fattening model: a test at low latitude using the Clamorous Reed Warbler. Ibis, 147: 680-687.

Quader S. 2005. Probable hybridisation between weaverbirds, Ploceus philippinus and Ploceus manyar. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 101(3): 463-464.

Quader S, Isvaran K, Hale RE, Miner BG, Seavy NE. 2004. Nonlinear relationships and phylogenetically independent contrasts . Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17: 709-715.

McCauley SJ, Bouchard SS, Farina BJ, Isvaran K, Quader S, Wood DM, St Mary CM. 2000. Energetic dynamics and anuran breeding phenology: insights from a dynamic game. Behavioral Ecology 11 (4): 429-436.