Introduction to Cell Biology
Course outline:
Section 1: Introduction (1 class)
Course structure:
Common and diverse features in cell (biology): Pro- and Eu-karyotes
Section 2: Molecular basis of cellular organisations (9 classes)
Different Types of compartments:
Compartmentalisation and Membrane:
Central dogma of information flow:
Macromolecular machines and their functions:
Physicist view of cellular forms:
Chemist view of cellular forms:
Selected Papers Discussion:
Section 3: Cells as replicating units (9 classes)
Introduction to the concepts of cell cycle: Pro- and Eu-karyotes
Preparation for prokaryotic cell division:
Preparation for eukaryotic cell division:
Mechanisms of prokaryotic cell division:
Mechanisms of eukaryotic cell division (mitosis):
Mechanisms of eukaryotic cell division (meiosis):
Wrap up class:
Selected Papers Discussion:
Course outcome:
This course will help students comprehend the molecular basis of common/diverse cellular forms and how cells act as self-replicating units. They will also understand why cellular structures/conditions need to be robust and what happens when they deviate.