The Interface of Biology and Theoretical Computer Science
Monday Dec 19 - Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Dasheri Auditorium, NCBS, Bangalore
Funding: Simons Foundation and NCBS

The engagement between biology and theoretical computer science has reached an exciting phase. We aim to play a critical role in nurturing this interface. In this spirit, we have for the first time brought together people from the disciplines of TCS, information sciences, biology and physics who have thought deeply about these issues. This meeting will report current research, but also give a conceptual overview of these distinct fields, allowing our participants to discover interesting cross-connections. Broad plenary talks will introduce distinct fields; short research talks will provide examples of fruitful approaches. There will be a great deal of free time for open-ended conversations. We are looking to identify well-defined research questions which biologists and computer scientists can work on collaboratively. These new questions will add to the body of work where biology has inspired new TCS research, and where computer science has addressed long-standing biological questions. We look forward to welcoming you all to Bangalore!
This event is structured as a by-invitation Discussion Meeting, we will not be able to accommodate additional registrants. Those who are not formally registered are welcome to attend the lectures and participate in the discussions, if there is space in the hall.
- BTCS organisers: Shachi Gosavi, Sandeep Krishna, Madan Rao, Mukund Thattai, Shashi Thutupalli

Populations & Communication
Evolution & Sequences
Molecules & Information
Cells & Timing
Brains & Networks