Emergence and Evolution of Biological Complexity
From the origins of life to multicellularity

Saturday Feb 4 -  Monday Feb 6, 2017
Dasheri auditorium, NCBS, Bangalore

Organizers:  Clement Nizak, Philippe Nghe, Sandeep Ameta (ESPCI, Paris),
Sudha Rajamani (IISER Pune), Sandeep Krishna (NCBS)

Email: complexity@ncbs.res.in

Funding: Simons Foundation and NCBS



Biology, at all scales from molecular to cellular to populations, provides quintessential examples of complex adaptive systems. This meeting brings together experimentalists, theorists and philosophers to discuss the physical principles underlying the emergence of complexity in biological systems, and how it is shaped by cooperative dynamical behaviour and selective pressures. Speakers will probe events in the history of life on Earth which marked qualitative changes in the complexity of biological systems, such as the origin of life or the appearance of multicellularity, and also discuss our growing quantitative understanding of evolution at the molecular scale. 

Click here to download a PDF with useful information, a map of NCBS and the talk and poster abstracts