WebGyan is back! In this session, Prof. V. Kamakoti, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras, will speak about 'Contact Tracing and Aarogya Setu'.

COVID-19 arrived suddenly in India, and there was an urgent need for contact tracing and data on positive cases. A few of us came together to meet this challenge for the country and developed Aarogya Setu, a cellphone application. Over the last few months, several million people have downloaded and are using this application. In my talk I will discuss the motivation, novelty, and process by which we kick-started this effort. I will also discuss what we have learned from this effort, and how I see the future of such data-driven interventions in healthcare and other sectors in India.

27 August, Thursday |  03:00 PM

Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oKKb1EZ8QyCU1hYiNfmOLw