2020 (upcoming) Keynote address to METU-TEKPOL, Science Technology Policy Research Center, Technology Development Foundation and Economics Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; 


2019 Economics Keynote Address “Development Variety and the Future of Economics”, 31st Annual EAEPE Conference, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, September 12-15th, Warsaw; 


2019 “A New Economics for Health” Poornima Vyasulu Memorial Lecture, Centre for Budget and Policy Studies, June 7th, Bengaluru; 


2017 Keynote Speaker EAEPE Symposium Developing Economics: Towards a Critical Research Agenda for Development Economics, Berlin Centre for Economics Research, June 10-11th, Berlin; 


2017 Third Annual Christopher Freeman Memorial Lecture, the Economics of Innovation, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Centre for Science Policy Studies, November 5th, New Delhi; 


2017 Keynote Speaker, 2nd International Workshop on Digital Innovation for Smart Ecological Services, CNRS, University of Sophie-Antipolis, Gredeg, November 28th, Nice; 


2016 Keynote speaker, ‘No Person Left Behind’, Soka-Gokkai Buddhists, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, "Universal Respect for Human Dignity: The Great Path to Peace", Oct 21;


2016 Invited keynote panellist, United Nations “Regional Development in the Context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, 45th anniversary, United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), August 30-31st, Nagoya; 


2016 Invited keynote speaker, Development and Inclusion, Pan Latin American Advanced Development Studies PhD Summer School, Universidad de la República, March, Montevideo (v-link); 


2016 Invited speaker, RAND Corporation, Cambridge UK and broadcast to RAND in Cambridge, UK, Santa Monica, Washington D.C., November 14th, Cambridge;