Kinetic library source and binaries for GENESIS: June 2004:

This version of the GENESIS/kinetics code corrects some subtle errors with the adaptive stochastic calculations which caused problems with higher-order and enzymatic reactions in the small N case. The kinetics library source also corrects a bug which caused failure of the kinetics library on some non-Linux systems such as IRIX, and is meant as a plug-in replacement for the genesis2.2.1 kinetics library.
The kinetikit 10 scripts are provided separately for easy download. There is now also a MOOSE alpha version download. It is not yet documented, but there are some demos of recent papers that use it for chemical kinetic simulations using the Gillespie stochastic method.

Kinetikit 11: Dec 2005:

Kinetikit 10 and GENESIS binaries Jan 2004:

Downloading older versions of Kinetikit:

KKIT 8: Sep 2001: (Updated Aug 2002)

KKIT 9 and GENESIS code Feb 2003: